Sunday 13 April 2014

English (or rather Welsh?) Bluebells Blooming

Now Bluebells are blooming here and there in the UK.  Here, in the South Wales, in a small woodland near by our house, the bluebells have just started blooming.  English Bluebells, well, I have to correct to call them, especially the ones growing native here in Wales, 'Welsh Bluebells'.  A friendly gentleman with a friendly dog told about this to my friend and me on a footpath in one of the woodlands about a year ago.  And, I ran into him this week again, with his dog on a different footpath.  'We might have met around here before?'

I walked in the woodland with a hill after having said 'See you again soon!' when he went along outside the woodland.  On the hill top and on the slope they have just started blooming in the beech wood.  What I was pleased was that there were the white ones exactly the same place I found the last spring!  I would try to find odd ones, white milk vetches (Japanese: Genge), which have usually pink petals, four-leaf clovers and such as a young child.

In fact, the pretty white flowers of wood anemones started blooming before the bluebells in the early spring.  Unlike their fragile appearance they are actually strong.  They are thriving in the whole woodland.  I thought of early dog violet in our front garden, which scattered everywhere in a few years and hard to get rid of...  Nevertheless, I can't help liking both of them.

Outside the woodland (or, correctly between woodlands) the fields were freshly ploughed, ready for seeding, maybe wheat or barley, maybe maize; I'll see in the summer what will be.  It is hard to recognise in the picture, but a tractor was resting at the corner of a field.  A farmer might have been having his/her lunch in it right now, or went home for lunch.  It will be the busiest season for them.

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